Searching in Brand Connect

This article will review:


Basic search:

Basic search allows you to perform a quick search across all metadata fields (i.e. keywords, description, etc.)

  • Log in to Brand Connect and navigate to the asset library. This is typically done by clicking Assets on the top navigation, but this might be different in your DAM.   
  • Enter the search term(s) in the search box and click [the search icon] or Enter/Return on your keyboard. (Read more about search tips.)
  • Search terms/parameters will display above the asset thumbnails. Click the X to remove a search parameter.


Facets refer to the metadata search filters that make it easy to search Brand Connect. Administrators control which metadata filters display as facets. (Read more about activating and deactivating facets.)

To search using facets:

  • Log in to Brand Connect and navigate to the asset library. This is typically done by clicking Assets in the top navigation, but if you’ve customized your navigation this might be different in your DAM.   
  • The facets will display on the left-hand side of the screen. The number next to the facet value indicates how many assets can be found in that category. Click more to view all available values for a particular facet.

  • Check the box next to the value that you’d like to filter your search results for, which will display assets tagged with this value. Continue to check the box next to other values to further narrow your results. 
  • Search terms/parameters will display above the asset thumbnails. Click the X to remove a search parameter.

Additional options:

  • Click the next to the facet name to hide the values for that particular facet.

  • Click Hide Facets to hide all facets.

Video tutorial:


Watch Assets:

You can Watch assets to keep track of things you access regularly and to receive notifications.

  • Select the lightbox, folder or asset.
  • Click Screen_Shot_2017-07-21_at_4.24.13_PM.pngto watch an item, click Screen_Shot_2017-07-24_at_9.18.31_AM.png again to stop watching. 



Additional search tips:

Folder search

You can narrow your search results to a specific folder (including nested folders) by first selecting the desired folder in the folder tree and entering your search variables.

Partial match

When searching, partial word matches are not typically returned (with the exception of filenames, see below). For example, searching “brand” will not return assets with “branding” associated. You can use an asterisk to expand your search results.

  • Format: Add an asterisk before or after the term. Don’t add a space between the term and the asterisk.

Example: brand*

Results: Returns assets with brand, branding, brands or other terms containing “brand.”


When searching, partial filenames will be returned. For example, searching for brand will return a filename of “Superfly Branding.” In addition, you can either search for the entire filename, including or excluding the file extension.

In-document searching

Certain assets, such as Word documents and PowerPoint presentations, will be returned if the searched term is found in the text of the file. (Read more about the file types that allow for in-document searching.)   

Empty field operator

Find assets that don’t contain any metadata for a specific metadata field. For example, you may be looking for assets without any keywords applied.

  • Format: Enter the metadata field name into brackets beginning with a question mark – ?[metadata field name]

Example: ?[keyword]

Result: Returns assets that have no keywords associated.

AND operator

Returns assets with all searched terms associated. The terms may be found in any order and any metadata field (see below to search for phrases).

  • Format: Enter the terms separated by a space or an “and”.

Example: brand guidelines or brand and guidelines

Results: Returns assets that have both “brand” and “guidelines” associated.

OR Operator

Returns results containing any of your search terms.

  • Format: Enter the terms separated by an “or”

Example: brand or guidelines

Results: Returns assets that that have either “brand” or “guidelines” associated.

Negative Operator

Excludes a word from the search results.

  • Format: Add a minus (-) sign in front of the word. Don't include a space between the minus sign and the word.

Example: brand -guidelines

Results: Returns assets where the term “brand” is associated but not “guidelines”.

Phrases or exact match

Returns results where the searched terms are found together in the metadata or document and in the same order.

  • Format: Include quotation marks around the search terms.

Example: “new brand guidelines”

Results: Returns assets with the phrase “new brand guidelines” associated.

Searching by filenames

Filenames are treated differently than other metadata fields and keywords. When a basic search is conducted, all metadata fields are queried. For filenames, the search parses filenames and returns assets with any of the terms or phrases in the filename. This ensures broader results are retrieved. For example, if you search brandguidelines123, the following filenames could be retrieved:

  • BrandGuidelines123.jpg
  • BrandGuidelines456.jpg
  • BrandGuidelinesandLogos.eps
  • 123_photoshoot.jpg

To search an exact match for a filename, surround it with quotes. The closest match will always be ranked at the top of search results. To locate an asset with the filename brandguidelines123, search “brandguidelines123”. The file extension is not needed, but may be included.




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