Search 2.0

Are you looking for specific assets, folders or users? Search 2.0 is our brand new Search experience, enabling users to search for assets, folders, lightboxes, groups and even users, directly from the header navigation. 

The header search bar helps you to narrow down searches by making search recommendations in the dropdown, through our smart suggestions. Search 2.0 is optimized for accessibility. Different keyboard shortcuts allow you to fully search and control the search bar with your keyboard. 

Start exploring Search 2.0 below and learn how you can find anything you need in your Webdam portal. 


If you are looking for the API upgrades coming with Search 2.0, you can find the API documentation here. You can also continue to use the existing search integrations that you set up with our existing  API.


Watch a Video

Watch the training video below for an introduction to Search 2.0.



How to Enable Search 2.0?

All customers will be receiving these updates early next year, but if you would like to take advantage of improved search earlier, follow the link below to opt-in and move to Search 2.0 now.

Opt-in Now


How to Use Search 2.0? 

You can find the search bar in the top navigation of your portal. When you start searching from the homepage of your portal you'll search through the whole DAM. As you start typing in the query, Search 2.0 will autocomplete your query based on relevant recommendations, auto-suggest keywords, assets, folders, lightboxes, embeddables or users/groups matching the query. Along with the option to search across multiple objects, such as assets, folders, lightboxes, users and groups.

If you prefer to narrow down the search results you can also search through specific objects. For example, if you want to only search within folders, you have the ability to narrow down your search to folders or a specific folder. When you narrow down your search to a specific folder, the search will only retrieve assets within that folder. 

Check the graphic below to discover all the elements you can find in the search bar. Click here to view the image in a higher resolution in a different browser tab.



Search 2.0 only searches through the DAM. Other modules such as Workstream and Brand Connect Guidelines aren't supported.


Search dropdown sections

The suggestions in the search dropdown consist of different sections allowing you to quickly find the objects you are looking for. The search bar automatically suggests keywords that match your query, as well as exact assets, folders, lightboxes or people suggestions. It also suggests correctly spelled queries when you misspell something. Discover the different sections of the search dropdown below and find out how your search results are broken down. 


Search In 

Currently you can only search in folders. When choosing a folder you can limit your results to assets of that specific folder only. Click the name of the folder in the Search In section to add it as a search filter. You'll see that the name of the folder appears next to your search query. The system will now only return assets that are found in that folder and its subfolders. 


Do you already know which specific folder you want to limit your search results to? Simply go to that folder and type your search query in the search bar. You'll now only search in that specific folder.  

Click the next to the name of the folder in the search bar if you no longer want to search within that folder.


Use the in:location shortcut to search within all folders or a specific folder. Enter in:folders/Logos Webdam in the search bar if you only want to search for logos tagged with Webdam within the Logos folder:


Search by Type

Use this type operator to define the type of object you're searching for. If you select Embeddables or Lightboxes the search bar will only return the names of embeddables or lightboxes that match your search query.


Use the type: shortcut to define the object type. Enter type:lightbox Logos to return the lightboxes called Logos. The system will not search through the assets in the embeddables or lightboxes, which means that assets matching your search query won't be returned.


Suggested Keywords 

In the Suggested Keywords section of the search bar you'll find suggested keywords based on your previous searches. When you start typing your search query the system will automatically suggest keywords that are relevant to your search. Click one of the suggested keywords to apply it as your search query. 


You don't have to worry about misspelled words. Based on your portal's taxonomy the search bar will return suggestions for misspelled words


Exact Objects


When searching, the system will return some content suggestions in the Assets section of the search bar. These suggestions can be assets, lightboxes and/or embeddables that match your search query. Click a suggestion to directly go to that content item. 

In the People section, you'll find suggestions of users and groups that match your search query. The system searches through the first and last name of the users as well as their email address. Click a suggestion to directly navigate to the entity.


Note: Only portal administrators can search for users and groups. 


Search Operators

Search operators help you to specify or narrow down your search. Read more about search operators here. Click the help tooltip at the footer of the search bar to see a full list of supported search operators and keyboard shortcuts.


Search Operators

Search operators allow you to search more specifically or to narrow down the search results. In the below table you'll find an overview of the supported search operators. 

Click the information_search_bar.png button at the bottom of the search bar to see a full list of supported keyboard shortcuts and search operators.


Search Operator



Automatically Suggested in Dropdown

Empty metadata field operator

?[metadata field name]


This allows you to search for assets that don't contain any metadata for the specified metadata field

And operator


Summer AND Paris

This returns results matching all of the search terms separated by AND

Or operator


Summer OR Paris

This returns results matching any of the search terms separated by OR

Not operator


Winter NOT Summer 

This excludes results matching the search term following NOT





This returns partial search term matches for the search term before or behind the *.

When using *brand results will contain a preceding term. For example, subbrand. When using brand* results will be returned that are followed by another term. For example, branding.


Exact Search


"Summer campaign 2021"

This returns the results exactly matching the search term placed within quotes “ “.


Plus Operator


Paris +city summer

The results will include the search term following +

Looking at the example the returned search results will for sure include 'city'. The words 'Paris' and 'summer' are optional.


Minus Operator


Paris -summer city

The results will exclude the search term following -

Looking at the example the returned search results will for sure include 'city'. The words 'Paris' and 'summer' are optional.


Brackets Operator


Summer (campaign) 2021

Prioritizes the search term or phrase within () for more complex search strings


Advanced Search

You can use advanced search to further specify or narrow down your search. Find out how you can use advanced search below. 


Image Filters

You can search for images with a specific resolution or dimensions. The filter will narrow down your search results and only return assets matching the specified resolution or dimensions. 


Image Resolution

Enter the desired DPI value in the Resolution box to filter the assets by a specific DPI value. Open the dropdown to select whether this is the minimum (Min), maximum (Max) or exact (Equal) DPI value you want the returned images to have. 


Image Orientation

Click Any if you want to include all image/asset orientations in your search or filter by selecting one of the available options. 

Click Apply to apply the filter.



This allows customers with the archival storage add-on feature to filter by assets that are archived or not archived. By default, assets that aren’t archived will be returned in search results. Read more about archival storage here.

  1. Click Advanced options under the search box.
  2. Select one of the available options.
    This will return both archived and not archived assets.

    This will filter the search results by assets that are archived.

    Not archived
    This will filter the search results by assets that aren't archived. 


This allows users to filter results by selecting keywords from the predefined keyword taxonomy. Read more about creating a keyword taxonomy here.


To filter:

  1. Click Advanced options under the search box.
  2. Click Keywords.
  3. Check the box next to the keyword(s) you want to search for.
  4. If you select multiple keywords, click AND to return assets that have all keywords associated or OR to return assets that have any of the keywords associated.  
  5. Uncheck the box next to Auto select parents if you don’t want parent keywords to be selected when choosing a nested keyword.

File Filters

Filter your assets by file type by selecting one of the available types in the File filters section. 


Status Filters

Filter your assets by status by selecting one of the available statuses in the Satus filters section. 



Many keyboard shortcuts help you to control the search bar with your keyboard. For most keyboard shortcuts indicated in the table below you first have to activate the search bar by clicking the bar with your mouse. The following three shortcuts don't require the search bar to be active and can be used at all times when you're working in your Webdam portal.

  • Keyboard shortcuts menu
  • Activate header search bar
  • "Search in" (all types)

Click the information_search_bar.png button at the bottom of the search bar to see a full list of supported keyboard shortcuts and search operators.



Shortcut (Windows)

Shortcut (Mac)

Keyboard shortcuts menu

Ctrl + Shift + ?

Ctrl + Shift + ?

Activate header search bar



Run search on a typed query



Use autocomplete query of first suggestion

→ or Tab

→ or Tab

Navigate the list of search suggestions

Up or down arrow

Up or down arrow

Open selected item in the search dropdown



Change search bar focus (next)



Change search bar focus (previous)

Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab

Clear search query

Ctrl + Delete

Cmd + Delete

Search in current page. For example, search in a specific folder

Ctrl + /

Ctrl + /

Search in Folders {nav category}

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ctrl + Shift + F

Search in Lightboxes {nav category}

Ctrl + Shift + L

Ctrl + Shift + L

Search in Embeddables {nav category}

Ctrl + Shift + E

Ctrl + Shift + E



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