Webdam Reports

In Webdam, you can view reports that show who is using your DAM, what actions have been taken, and more. Reports provide the data you need to optimize your investment and your assets.

The majority of reports are available to admins only.

Note: Deleting a user will remove their information from the tracker reports, but it will not remove any assets they uploaded from the system.


This article covers the following reports:


To begin:

  • Click Reports in the top navigation to access reports.
  • Click reports_button.png in the left navigation to open or close this menu.


Download Tracker

This report provides information about asset downloads, including what users have downloaded and when.

  • Click the search_icon.pngicon to switch the report to the detailed view.

The report and detailed view shows the following:

  • Download ID - the unique ID number for the asset or batch download
  • Downloaded By - the user who downloaded the asset
  • Company - the organization of the person who downloaded the asset
  • Email - the email address of the user
  • Number of Assets - the number of assets that were downloaded (click to view all assets downloaded per Download ID)
  • Date Downloaded - the date on which the download occurred
  • Preview - a thumbnail preview of the asset that can be clicked to open asset details
  • Downloaded As - the file format the asset was downloaded in
  • Filename - the name of the asset (click to open the asset details page)

Additional options:

  • export_report.png-  generate a .csv report in Excel.
  • sort_report.png -  filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
  • filter_report.png - located next to Date Downloaded, narrows your search by specific dates.
  • return_report.png- return to the previous list view.
  • Use the search to locate specific items.
  • Click any thumbnail under Preview or Filename to view Asset Details.
  • Click an asset’s Download ID or Number of Assets to see thumbnails.


Request Manager

This report outlines who is requesting permission to download assets and let’s you approve or deny those requests individually or in batches.

This report is available to admins and contributors who are listed as the user where download requests should be sent to at a folder level. Read more here.

The report shows the following:

  • Preview - a thumbnail preview of the asset that can be clicked to open asset details
  • Batch ID - the unique ID for the download request
  • Filename - the name of the asset (click to open the asset details page)
  • Requested By - the user making the download request
  • Email - the email address of the user
  • Date Requested - the date the download  was requested
  • Status - shows if the request is pending, approved or denied

Respond to download requests:

  • Click the settings_report.png icon, then select approve or decline.
  • Enter an optional comment.
  • Click OK.

Additional options:

  • Check the box next to requests to select.
  • select_all_report.png - select all.
  • export_report.png- generate a .csv report in Excel.
  • sort_report.png - filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
  • filter_report.png - limit search range with drop-down menu options from Date Requested or Status.
  • Click Clear to reset field.
  • Use the search to locate specific items.   


Upload Tracker

This report gives information on asset uploads, including what users are uploading and when.

  • Click the search_icon.png icon to switch the report to the detailed view.

The report and detailed view shows the following:

  • Upload ID - the unique ID number for the asset or batch upload
  • Uploaded By - the user who uploaded the asset
  • Company - the organization of the person who uploaded the asset
  • Email - the email address of the user
  • Number of Assets - the number of assets that were uploaded (click to view all assets uploaded per Upload ID)
  • Date Uploaded - the date on which the upload occurred
  • Preview - a thumbnail preview of the asset that can be clicked to open asset details
  • Filename - the name of the asset (click to open the asset details page)

Additional options:

  • export_report.png - generate a .csv report in Excel.
  • sort_report.png - filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.


  • filter_report.png - narrow search by specific dates next to Date Uploaded.
  • return_report.png - return to the previous list view.
  • Use the search to locate specific items.
  • Click any thumbnail under Preview or Filename to view Asset Details.
  • Click an asset’s Upload ID or Number of Assets to see thumbnails.


Login Tracker

This report allows you to view login activity by individual user.

The report shows the following:

  • Name - the first and last name of the user
  • Username - the login name of the user
  • Email - the email address of the user
  • Authentication - indicates how the user logged in
    • Basic: the user logged in using their Webdam credentials from the login page.
    • Central: the user logged in from the central login on Webdam.com.
    • LDAP: the user logged in using their LDAP credentials.
    • SAML: the user logged in using their SAML credentials.
  • IP Address - the IP address of the user
  • Date Logged In - date of user’s login

Additional options:

  • export_report.png - generate a .csv report in Excel.
  • sort_report.png - filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
  • filter_report.png - narrow search by specific dates from Date Logged.


Diskspace Usage by Time

This report show how much total diskspace is being used in GB by time.

  • bar_chart.png - see chart view.
  • diskspace_list.png - see list view.
  • View Daily, Monthly or select date range.


  • Hover your mouse over a point in the chart view to see a specific day’s or month’s usage.
  • options_report.png- download an image of the chart.
    • Select the format from drop-down menu: PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG.
  • plot_point.png- minimize the chart.
  • excel_report.png - generate a .csv report in Excel.

Uploads, Downloads and Logins by Time

Upload, Download and Login reports show how many total uploads or downloads have occurred by time.

  • bar_chart.png - see chart view.
  • diskspace_list.png - see list view.
  • View Daily, Monthly or select date range.


Note: The above chart will be similar for Download and Login.

  • Hover your mouse over a point in the chart view to see a specific day or month’s usage.
  • options_report.png- download an image of the chart.
    • Select the format from drop-down menu: PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG.
  • asset_uploads.png/asset_downloads.pnglogins.png- minimize chart.
  • excel_report.png - generate a .csv report in Excel.

Publish Schedule

This report shows when assets have been scheduled to be published to social media channels (learn more about enabling Social Publishing here) and to Brand Connect portals (available to customers on Brand Connect plus).

The report shows the following:

  • ID - the unique ID number for the scheduled publish
  • Channel - where the asset is scheduled to be published. This can include the Brand Connect portal or Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube
  • Published By - the user who scheduled the publish date
  • Preview - a thumbnail preview of the asset that can be clicked to open asset details
  • Name - name of the asset
  • Status - shows if the asset has been published, is scheduled to publish, failed to publish, or canceled
  • Created Date - the date of when the publish was scheduled
  • Scheduled Date - the date the asset is scheduled to publish
  • Published Date - the date the asset was published

Additional options:

  • sort_report.png - filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
  • Click on any thumbnail under Preview or title under Name to view Asset Details.
  • settings_report.png - edit or delete the scheduled publish date

Most Downloaded Assets

This report shows a roster of assets ranked in order of how many times it has been downloaded within a specific time period. Assets with the same number of downloads are ordered by creation date.

The report shows the following:

  • Rank - the order of the asset
  • Preview - a thumbnail preview of the asset that can be clicked to open asset details
  • File Name - the name of the asset (click to open the asset details page)
  • Folder Name - the name of the asset’s folder (click to see the folder)
  • Created Date - the date the asset was created
  • Count - how many times the asset has been downloaded. Click the number to view information on who downloaded the asset.

Additional options:

  • export_report.png - generate a .csv report in Excel.
  • Narrow search by date using Start Date and End Date fields.
  • Click any thumbnail under Preview or Filename to view Asset Details.
  • Click an asset’s Count number to see information on who downloaded the asset.
  • count.png - change order from most downloaded to least downloaded.


Embeddable Downloads

This report shows you information about embeddable downloads. Embeddable downloads are available to customers on the Enterprise subscription plan. Read more about embeddable downloads here.

The report shows the following:

  • Created by - the user who created the embeddable download
  • Preview - a thumbnail preview of the asset that can be clicked to open asset details
  • Filename - name of the asset embedded (click to open the asset details page)
  • URL link lives at - the link where the embed lives
  • Number of downloads - total number of time the asset has been downloaded from where it is embedded

Additional options:

  • sort_report.png - filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
  • Click on any thumbnail under Preview  or title under Name to view Asset Details.
  • number_of_dl.png - change order from most downloaded to least downloaded.


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  • Comment author
    Srinivas Arella

    How can I filter these reports by a folder?

  • Comment author
    Karen Garcia

    Can you add folder to the upload tracker report?

  • Comment author
    Laura Clute

    Can we filter a report by a folder of assets?


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