Webdam Sub-Processor Disclosure

Bynder LLC d/b/a Webdam (“Webdam”) uses certain sub-processors to assist in providing the services as described in the agreement between customer and Webdam. This sub-processor page includes information about the identity, location, and role of each sub-processor. Defined terms used herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the agreement.

What is a sub-processor?
A sub-processor is a third party engaged by Webdam — including entities from within the corporate structure of Webdam — that (potentially) have access to personal data to perform some of Webdam’s obligations under the agreement; e.g., to assist with infrastructure services, content delivery networks, or customer support. Before engaging any sub-processors, Webdam performs intakes to evaluate their privacy, security and confidentiality practices and executes agreements implementing applicable obligations.

Infrastructure & content delivery network (“CDN”) provider:
Webdam may use the following sub-processor to host customer data or as CDN to assist with the delivery of the Webdam product(s). CDNs do not have access to customer data itself, but are systems commonly used to provide fast delivery of content based on the geographic location of the individual accessing the content and the origin of the content provider:

Entity name

Sub-Processors activities

Entity country

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

As a hosting provider, AWS engages in storing and hosting customer data.

As a content delivery network provider, AWS assists in optimizing content delivery.  

United States

Other Sub-Processors:
Webdam may also use the following sub-processors to provide the Webdam product(s):

Entity name

Sub-Processors activities

Entity country

Brightcove, Inc

Brightcove offers video transcoding and processing for video files uploaded to Webdam.

United States

Zendesk, Inc.

Zendesk provides a cloud-based system for tracking and solving customer support tickets.

United States


ConceptShare handles the generation and viewing of proofs for the proof / annotation tool.



PrintUI provides the technology for Webdam’s Dynamic Templates product.

United States


Webdam and its affiliates
The following entities are part of  the corporate structure of Webdam. Depending on the geographic location of a customer, Webdam may also engage one or more of the following entities as sub-processors:

Entity name

Entity country

Bynder BV

The Netherlands

Bynder LLC

United States

Bynder LTD

United Kingdom

Bynder Software FZ-LLC


Bynder Software SL



As Webdam is continuously improving its product(s), the sub-processors used may also change. Webdam will promptly update this page with any new or replacement sub-processors and notify customers before, and how, such sub-processors will process personal data.


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