Notifications, Alerts and Watching in Webdam

Get notifications for activities in your DAM – such as new assets uploaded, new versions added and assets expiring – using the watch and notifications functions in Webdam. This ensures that you’re always aware of and using the latest approved assets.

Each user can configure the types of notifications they want to receive and how they want to receive them.

This article covers the following topics:


Types of notifications and alerts: 

You can choose to receive notifications for the following actions:

  • Asset is created
  • Asset is moved
  • Asset is deleted
  • A new version is created
  • An asset expires
  • An asset is modified
  • A comment is added
  • A Lightbox is updated


Watch or unwatch assets:

  • Log in to Webdam.
  • Select the asset(s), folder(s) or lightbox.
  • In the asset details panel, click the icon to toggle watch status. means it is being watched,  means it’s not being watched.

To automatically watch certain assets, please refer to the section below.  


Configure notifications and alerts:

  • Log in to Webdam.
  • Click the icon in the bottom-right toolbar and select View all.
  • Click Change Settings.
  • Check the box under the corresponding column for each action to receive an in-system alert, email or both.
    • Alerts display on the Webdam homepage and in the notification panel, which can be found by clicking the icon.
  • To automatically watch groups of assets, check the corresponding boxes to watch:  
    • Assets that you upload
    • Assets that you download
    • All assets.
  • Click Save.


  • To watch individual assets or folders, click the Watch icon.



Admin-specific alerts:

In addition to the above notifications, admins can choose to receive additional alerts – like when a new user registers or when someone downloads an asset. For more information on these alerts, please refer to the System Preferences article.


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  • Comment author
    Nature One
    Do Contributors receive email notifications when they are watching a folder or assets? Or do they just receive alerts within the system?
  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    @Scott - Users may choose whether they would like to receive email notifications and/or in-system alerts. Please refer to the "Configuring Notifications and Alerts" section of this article for more information.

  • Comment author
    Tyson Blades

    Is there a way to see all of your watched assets and folders in one place?

  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Tyson - no, there is not currently a filter or report on assets and folders that you are watching. Is this something that is important for you and your team? If so, can you please tell me a little more about it?

  • Comment author
    Melissa Smith

    Is there a way for an admin to change the alert settings for all users? Currently, all users in our system receive all alerts by default. That is way too many alerts for most users. I'd like to change this

  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Melissa - Thank you for reaching out. Admins do not currently have ability to edit the alerts for users.

  • Comment author
    Jennifer Vanoni

    If I am watching a parent folder and watching the sub folders does that automatically mean I'm watching the assets within? I would like to be able to do that.

  • Comment author
    Sara Mounier

    Is there a way to clear notifications from your landing page once they have been read?

  • Comment author
    Jeni Day

    I haven't found the answer to Jennifer's question and am wondering the same - If I watch a parent folder, does that mean I am watching all of the sub folders AND the assets included?

  • Comment author
    William Keiffer

    Hi Jeni,

    Yes! If you watch a folder, all the subfolders and assets under it will be watched as well.

  • Comment author
    Erwin Morales

    Is there a way to set these notifications to be sent on the spot? We are seeing a delay from the moment an asset is uploaded into a folder to when we get the email notification, which was roughly about 40 minutes later.

  • Comment author
    William Keiffer

    Erwin: 40 minutes is much longer than I would expect for the email to be sent. If you're seeing this length of delay, reach out to support and we'll take a look at it.

  • Comment author
    Lucia Ferguson

    Hi Bill, I was looking at your response to Jeni and have been testing watching parent folders. It seems that when you watch a parent folder, you automatically watch the sub-folder as well, but NOT the assets within it - please could you confirm if this is how it's meant to work? Thank you.

  • Comment author
    Zach Goldstein

    Hi Bill. Is there any way Webdam could group or consolidate notifications rather than sending an email for every single asset? For example: 50 assets in Folder X have expired. This would be much easier to process as a recipient.

  • Comment author
    Michael Garcia

    why do we keep referring to THE admin who receives notifications? What happens when we have more than one admin? How do we pick who gets these approval emails for uploads, downloads??


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