This article covers the information you need to know to use Workstream from your mobile device.
Note: You must have an active Workstream subscription to access Workstream functionality. To learn more about adding Workstream to your account, contact your Customer Success Manager.
This article covers using the mobile app to:
- Click the icon and select Projects. This will show a list of currently active projects that you have permissions to view (either as an admin, sponsor, watcher or task assignee).
- You can filter which projects you see by clicking the All dropdown and selecting Watching or Sponsoring.
- To view project details, tap the project you’d like to view. This view will show the:
- Project name
- Project description
- Project sponsor
- Watchers
- Remaining/active tasks
- Assets – assets associated with the project are grouped under the subhead “Project.” Assets associated with tasks are grouped under subheads that display the task name. Initially, only some assets may be shown, to view all assets, click the V along the bottom border of the Assets field.
- To remove an asset, click the icon and tap the asset(s) you’d like to remove, and click Delete. Confirm your selection in the popup window.
- To add assets to a project, click the + icon. You can upload images from your device or use your camera to take a photo and add to the project.
To learn how to set up and manage projects in Workstream, click here to learn more.
- Click the icon and select Tasks. This will show a list of currently active tasks that you have permissions to view (either as an admin, watcher or task assignee).
- You can filter which tasks you see by clicking the All dropdown and selecting Watching or Assigned to me.
- To view task details, tap the task you’d like to view. This view will show the:
- Project the task is assigned to (if applicable)
- Task status
- Task name
- Task description
- Due date
- Requester
- Assignee
- Assets
- Checklist – items cannot be added to checklists from the app, but you can check off items. To mark an item as complete, check the box next to the item.
- Keywords
To learn how to set up and manage tasks in Workstream, click here to learn more.
View Approvals
- Click the icon and select Approvals.
- A red alert on the icon means you have approvals pending (this alert also shows next to the Approvals menu option), select Approvals to view new requests.
- You can filter your approvals list by using the dropdown to switch between approvals Pending my review and Requested by me.
Respond to Approvals
- Tap an approval that is pending your review. You’ll be prompted to Approve, Approve with changes or Reject (read more about responding to approvals).
Alternatively, to do a quick approval from your approvals list, swipe left across the approval to reveal the approval options.
- If requesting changes or rejecting, you must enter a comment before you press Submit.
- You will see a banner confirming your response, press Change if you’d like to change your response.
Note: If the approval sent was part of an approval path, an Approve response cannot be changed as the asset might have been sent to the next step.
Approvals You’ve Requested
- To view a list of the approvals you’ve requested, go to Approvals and use the filter to select Requested by me. Read more about initiating approval requests.
- The highlighted icons indicate the approval status and the number of reviewers who selected approve, reject or approved with changes.
- Click on an asset to view the Approval Details page, this will show:
- Number of confirmed and pending responses
- The approval status
- Comments
- The approval details page also gives you the ability to:
- Send a reminder
- Resubmit an asset (if it was previously rejected)
- Approve an asset (if it was approved with changes)
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