Adobe Creative Cloud Integration Using LinkrUI

The Adobe Creative Cloud by LinkrUI Connector enhances your creative workflow by providing seamless integration between Webdam and Adobe Creative Suite applications like InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Express, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. By offering robust features like editing metadata and syncing assets, LinkrUI ensures that your projects are always up-to-date and well-organized without having to leave Adobe.

This feature/solution requires your Customer Success Contact to enable, but then individual permissions can be done by the Bynder Admin.

Supported Applications


Key Features

Browse, Search, and Filter Assets

Utilize LinkrUI to easily navigate through your Webdam, using browsing, searching, and filtering capabilities to find the assets you need. You can search, filter, and check asset details, including metadata, and access your lightboxes directly within Adobe Creative Cloud without leaving the application.

Drag and Drop Functionality

  • Simplify your workflow by dragging and dropping assets from Webdam directly into your Adobe CC projects.

 Save and Update Assets

  • Effortlessly save new assets or updated versions back to Webdam, ensuring your projects always have the latest resources.

Sync Updated Assets

  • Syncing assets from Webdam keeps your working documents up-to-date. This feature is especially useful when assets are changed, eliminating the need for manual updates.

Wide Application Support

  • LinkrUI supports key Adobe applications such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and After Effects.

Enrich Assets with Metadata

  • Add or edit tags and metadata before uploading assets back to Webdam, enhancing asset organization and searchability.

Saving App State

  • LinkrUI remembers your last state when you close the panel, allowing you to resume work seamlessly.

How to Download & Install Plug-In

  1. Download the For macOS or For Windows
    • For Windows: make sure you unzip the ZIP file. If you are having difficulties with the Windows installer a zxp can be used. 
    • If you do not see the Extensions option on MacOS, you likely need to run Photoshop using Rosetta. Enabling "Open using Rosetta" in the application's info page is the way to go. See here for additional instructions. 
  2. Run the installer and restart the Adobe application.
  3. Make sure the LinkrUI panel is opened. Access the plugin under Window > Extension> LinkrUI.
  4. Click Yes to proceed.
  5. Enter your name in the Name field.
  6. Enter your email address in the Email field.
  7. Enter your activation key.
    • Activation keys are available through your Customer Success Contact. 
  8. Click Activate.
  9. Once activated log in to your Webdam account and access your Asset Bank.
  10. Click Authenticate.

How to Use the Connector

  1. To search for assets you can enter search terms and filter assets or open a lightbox.
    • Clickfilter_linkrui.pngat the top of the panel to filter the assets by tags, file types, or your available smart filters.
  2. Select the appropriate values and click Show Results to filter your assets.
  3. You can also use the search bar at the top of the panel to find the asset(s) you're looking for.
  4. Toggle the view at the bottom  and select linkrui_detail_view.pngto see metadata and other details for selected
  5. Drag and drop a Webdam asset to your Adobe content. Depending on the Adobe software you're using there may be additional steps to place the image into your actual content.

How to Uninstall the Connector

  1. For Windows: Use ‘add/remove programs’ in Windows settings.
  2. For Mac: Remove the '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/LinkrUI' folder from the root library directory.

How to Set Preferences

Make sure the LinkrUI panel is opened.

  1. Go to Window > Extensions > LinkrUI to enable it.
  2. Click the linkrui_menu.png button and check one of the options below:
  • Asset Size: Adjust thumbnail size in the gallery view.   The default size is 120px.  
  • Local Asset Purge Interval: Set a time for local assets to be purged to manage disk space efficiently.
  • Local Asset Cache Folder: Select Choose to select the folder where the cached assets can be stored on your local machine. Click Clear Cache to empty the folder and remove all cached assets.
  • Link Updates: Decide how the plugin handles missing links, with options for automatic re-download, prompt download, or no action.
How to Change the View

Two types of views are available in the asset overview panel in the Connector.

  • Grid View: The grid view shows the thumbnails of the assets and a small part of the asset title Click the grid_view.png to enable the grid view.
  • List View: The list view shows more asset information and can show more assets compared to the grid view. Click the list_view.png to enable the list view.

How to Add Webdam Assets to Your Adobe Content

  1. Navigate to your Webdam account.
  2. Locate the Webdam asset you want to add to your Adobe content in the LinkrUI plugin using the available filters and search bar. You can also open a lightbox to find the asset you're looking for.
  3. Drag and drop a Webdam asset to your Adobe content. Depending on your Adobe software, there may be additional steps to place the image into your actual content.

How to Upload Your Adobe Files to Webdam?

With the LinkrUI plugin, you can add your Webdam assets to your Adobe files without leaving the Adobe Suite.  Ensure the Adobe file you're working on is saved.

  1. Make sure the Adobe file you're working on is saved.

  2. Click the linkrui_upload.png button and click Upload New Asset.

  3. (Optional) Change the name of your new Webdam asset in the Name field.

  4. (Optional) Add Metadata for the new asset in Metadata field.
  5. (Optional) Add your asset to a lightbox by selecting the available lightboxes in the Lightbox section.

    Scroll down in the Lightbox section to load more lightboxes.

  6. Click Choose a folder, select the folder you want to upload the asset to and click Select.
  7. Click the Upload button to upload your Adobe file as a new asset to your Webdam account.

How to Link Assets in LinkrUI

LinkrUI facilitates linking assets from Webdam to design files. This feature ensures that assets are up-to-date and portable between different users and machines. Adobe applications require assets to be stored locally, and LinkrUI manages these assets' synchronization and updating.

InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator

Assets are linked live, meaning updates are automatically reflected.

Premiere Pro, After Effects

 Asset linking is local, and project files are not currently portable.

Adobe Express

Place Webdam Assets inside an Express document. Export a document into Webdam (jpg, png, mp4, pdf)

  • Effortlessly place assets inside an Adobe Express document.
  • Save time finding assets by using the lightboxes, filter, and search features
  • Sort and filter your assets by file types, tags, or metadata
  • Update existing assets. You can access and use previous versions of the  edited asset inside LinkrUI
  • Export documents into Webdam in various formats:
    • JPG and PNG: Export the current page as an image.
    • MP4: Export videos.
    • PDF: Export multi-page documents as PDF files.


Check Connections

Use this option if you're experiencing issues with the LinkrUI connector to ensure it is connected correctly.


Click this option to see the Adobe files uploaded to your Webdam account. If the Upload screen is empty, no files are being uploaded.


This option will refresh the panel of the LinkrUI connector. Click it if you're not seeing the thumbnails in the Connector or have other issues.


This option allows you to set the level of logging.

Select the Logging dropdown.

Select one of the available options and click OK to save the option. The LinkrUI also has automated logging built in.


Click this option to see which version of the LinkrUI connector is installed.

Contact Support

Click this option when you need technical assistance with the LinkrUI connector.


Click Reset Preferences to return to the LinkrUI connector's default setup. This action can't be undone.


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